Think Before You Leap


There is a very famous story that I have read in the book “Enjoy Your Life”… the entire book is full of small excerpts and short stories, but a very small one I would like to share with you.. its small but it has a powerful message, yet again about how our choice of words affect the interpretation of their meaning.

It goes on something like this….

In some area of the world, there lived a king who was well known for his might and awe. One night, he dreamt that all his teeth had fallen out. He was quite concerned about this and he called a dream interpreter to come and give his opinion and interpretation of the dream.

Now, on hearing the dream, the interpreter didn’t think twice and said, “Allah’s refuge is sought! Allah’s refuge is sought!” and went on, “After many years pass, your wife and children will all die and you will be left alone in the kingdom!”

The king was bewildered and he raged in fury on hearing this. He abused the dream interpreter and ordered his men to imprison him for life.

Next, he called another dream interpreter, told him about his dream and asked him for the interpretation. Now what did that man say??

He was wise and he selected the following words, “Glad tidings to you, my dear King! It means that you will live for very long, so long that you will be the last one of your family to die, and you will remain a king all your life”.

The king was pleased and contented with what had been said to him and awarded the dream interpreter many gifts and a high post in his court.

Now on evaluation, you may have noticed that actually both the interpreters were trying to convey the same message, but their choice of words affected their interpretation to a great extent, to such an extent that the whole meaning appeared to sound differently when said in different words.

I guess, this is the moral of the story, to select appropriate words and narrate your thoughts in a positive manner so the  listener may feel contented and not angered! Let me know what you think about this 🙂

This post is part of the 5 Photo, 5 day contest which was nominated to me by sister fatima, and now I am nominating this forward to another sister and fellow blogger at Its not compulsory but it would be fun if you accept it!

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Book referred to: Enjoy Your Life, compiled by Muhammad ‘Abd Al-Rahaman Al-‘Arifi (I just saw that Darussalam Publishers have an app for this book, check it out here.

34 thoughts on “Think Before You Leap

  1. Pingback: “Beauty” in Ten Sentence | ا صلا ح

  2. This is so true. In class we are always warned by our teachers to use the right set of words when it comes to treating the clients. Every word has a different impact on our mind and triggers a different set of frequency in our brain.

    By the way, who is he author of this book? I too want to read this book 😀

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